Cordie Braun
Fundraising Director & Cat Adoption Coordinator 2015Favorite shelter animal of all time: Jax (dog)
Rescue/surrender that has always held a special place in your heart & why: My first rescue, Bruiser. He was a little sweetheart that had been attacked by the family's large dog. They could not provide the veterinarian care and agreed to surrender so he woud urvive. I later found a great home for him and he just recently passed.
Why do you continue to volunteer at the shelter: I believe in Blue Chip's Mission Statement and have seen all the great things they have done and continue to do. Especially assisting Veterans, domestic violence victims, and the elderly with their animals.
What are your future goals for the shelter: To expand to be able to help more animals. Also, having a veterinarian on site is a dream for the shelter.
If you could educate the entire public on one rescue/animal topic, what would you choose & why: I would have people educate themselves on dog breeds before adopting. It would cut down on adopters returning dogs and dogs getting the type of home they need .

Robin Taconet
Rabbitat’s Head Bunny Lady 2014Favorite shelter animal of all time: They call me Rabbit Robin, mama buneha, the bunny lady. So it's an easy answer.
Rescue/surrender that has always held a special place in your heart & why: The one that holds a special place in my heart is Oliver. AKA #ollie #slitherin #thesheriff. He beat the odds, his owner abandoned him and a dog and was discovered by the sister a few days later, only she didn't know the sister also had a rabbit. He went another couple days without food or water before she discovered him in a tiny dog crate, sitting in the middle of a donut pillow. You see, poor Ollie's back had been broken, and instead of getting him to a vet and trying to help him adjust and get stronger she boxed him into a world limited only to movement of his upper body. It goes without saying the caked on mess he had been sitting in, the urine scalding he sustained, the pain from that and not being able to move, stretch out, or lay down. He was closer to crossing that rainbow bridge and probably should have, but he didn't want to. He had too much binky bunny spirit in him for a 1000 bunnies plus 2. We spent hours lovingly, carefully cleaning, brushing, clipping, and inspecting our little new found miracle. Many more hours, day, weeks, were spent massaging, stretching, physical therapy, and just loving on him. He got a specially made wheel chair and away he went! zoomin..ziggin and zaggin! He eventually fought getting into the wheel chair and was slitherin... now the sheriff is large and in charge. Free roaming, making the rounds, keeping the peace, spreading bunderful joy wherever he roams in his failed, foster home.
Why did you start volunteering at the shelter: I began this volunteering journey when a friend mentioned that there were rabbits surrendered at the rescue where she volunteered, but no one really knew how to care for them. The rest is history!
Why do you continue to volunteer at the shelter: We went from a couple of hutches outside, to a cozy little refuge where every bunny has their own condo with an outdoor patio! They also get to enjoy their own private playground year-round to hop, skip, and bink to their heart's content. Maybe even find a new buddy while out meeting their neighbors.
What are your future goals for the shelter: Our future plans are to expand the Rabbitat to make more room for the hoomins-a bigger working and grooming area. We also eventually want to begin to offer low cost grooming services to the rabbit community, as well as offer important hands-on teaching services to rabbit owners and families who are contemplating adopting.
If you could education the entire public on one rescue/animal topic, what would you choose & why: Rabbits are complex, delicate creatures that can survive and thrive for 6 to 13 Hoppy Years with the right care. The rabbiteers at Blue Chip Rabbitat want to help and share what they know and do what they can for anyone who loves bunnies as much as they do!
Anything additional comments/quotes please include here: I know Blue Chip Farm Animal Refuge will always be a part of my life. Its philosophy is one of respect; respect for all living things unconditionally, to do our best one precious soul at a time.

Emma Ripka
Kennel Coordinator 2012Favorite shelter animal of all time: Aries (dog)
Rescue/surrender that has always held a special place in your heart & why: An intake that will always hold a special place in my heart is Brody. Not long after I began volunteering, Brody was rescued by police after being left in a home tied to a radiator with the heat on high. She also had newborn puppies that were never found. When she arrived at the shelter, we had to place ice bags on her to help her cool down. She was adopted out 10 times by the time that she was 5 years old due to her anxiety issues, she is also deaf which caused training issues. Each time she would come back I would work on her issues and teach her sign language. In 2016, she was returned one final time and I took her home. She is a mess, but the best dog and we have worked through so much together. She is now an old lady with a bunch of medical issues, but her anxiety is basically non-existent.
Why did you start volunteering at the shelter: In 2012 my family adopted a Bichon named Molly. Her previous owners did not inform anyone of her health issues, which caused a delay in treatment. Her post-surgery needs were very complex and at the time our family was not able to commit to her needs, as she needed someone home with her all day. I volunteered every weekend with her until she was adopted, and then never left.
Why do you continue to volunteer at the shelter: Blue Chip is a second home to me, I have literally grown up here and know the shetler like the back of my hand. Leaving is something I have never considered or plan on doing.
What are your future goals for the shelter: I would love to see the shelter expand to create more kennel space and have a cruelty officer.
If you could education the entire public on one rescue/animal topic, what would you choose & why: The more people I work with, the more apparent it is that most humans do not know basic animal signals and characteristics. Animals are usually very clear with how they are feeling, but humans fail to notice and put the animal into a situation that they are not comfortable with. Many also bring animals into their home without researching the characteristics of the specifc breed, resulting in a home not fit for the animal. Education all around is key.

Marge Bart
Owner/Founder 1996Favorite shelter animal of all time: I would not be able to pick just one
Rescue/surrender that has always held a special place in your heart & why: Penny. She was a dog that was severely abused while pregnant. She had three gigantic puppies and overcame so much. Her face and story I will never forget.
Why did you start Blue Chip: I think animals are allowed to make more than one mistake in their life and most shelters have zero tolerance. I opened Blue Chip to give animals a second chance and thankfully we have been able to do just that for so many.
What are your future goals for the shelter: To continue to expand and save as many lives as we can.
If you could education the entire public on one rescue/animal topic, what would you choose & why: Spay and neuter! This is the top reason for overpopulation, medical issues, and behaviroal concerns. Unless a medical issue prevents this procedure, there is absolutely no reason to not have this done.
NOTE: Blue Chip Farm Animal Refuge is NOT open to the general public. If you are interested in adopting, please apply first and we will reach out to make an appointment.